24 December 2008


suatu hari CINTA dan SAHABAT berjalan di desa..

tiba-tiba CINTA terjatuh dalam telaga, kenapa?

karena CINTA itu buta..

lalu SAHABAT pun ikut terjun, kenapa?

karena SAHABAT akan berbuat apa saja demi CINTA..

di dalam telaga CINTA hilang, kenapa?

karena CINTA itu halus, mudah hilang jika tidak dijaga dan sulit dicari..

sedangkan SAHABAT masih mencari-cari dimana CINTA dan menunggu, kenapa?

karena SAHABAT itu sejati dan akan kekal sebagai SAHABAT yang setia..

-dori #8-

19 December 2008

formula sukses

jika diurutkan
A=1 B=2 C=3 hingga Z=26, maka..

8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%

11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%

12+15+22+5 = 54%

12+21+3+11 = 47%

hardwork, knowledge, love, luck tidak ada yang mencapai 100%. apa yang bisa mencapai 100%?
uang? bukan!
kepemimpinan? bukan!

setiap masalah ada solusinya, hanya mungkin jika kita mengubah ATTITUDE.
sikap kita terhadap kehidupan dan kerja yang membuat kita hidup sukses 100%.
ga percaya? buktikan!

1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%

-dori #8-

the ant philosophy

  • ants never out
  1. if they're headed somewhere and you try to stop them, they'll look for another way.
  2. they'll climb over, they'll climb under, they'll climb around.
  3. they keep looking for another way.
lesson : to never quit looking for a way to get where you're supposed to go.

  • ants think winter all summer
  1. you can't be so naïve as think summer will last forever.
  2. so ants are gathering their winter food in the middle of summer.
  3. you've got to think rocks as you enjoy sand and sun.
lesson : it is important to be realistic. think ahead.

  • ants think summer all winter
  1. during the winter, ants remind themselves, "This won't last long; we'll soon be out of here".
  2. at the first warm day, the ants are out.
  3. if it turns cold again, they'll dive back down, but then they come out the first warm day.
lesson : stay positive at all times.

  • all that you possibly can
  1. how much will an ant gather during the summer to prepare for the winter?
  2. all that they possibly can.
lesson : do all you can.

-dori #8-